Whether you are into resolutions or not, one thing is clear: we can all work to better ourselves when the calendar turns. Perhaps now more than ever. And one of the most popular lifestyle goals heading into a new year is nutrition. That’s why you see so many exercise and food books popping up in January.

So we figured we would end December on a high note and get you ready for January by scouring the web and highlighting our favorite, and most unique, benefits of eggs in your diet.

Benefit #1: Eye Health

According to Healthline.com, eggs should be classified as a “superfood.” One of the most interesting benefits they highlighted in their study was the impact eggs can have on the health of your eyes. There are two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, in egg yolks that have been proven to contribute to lowering the risk of degenerative eye disease, especially cataracts. What’s more, eggs contain a ton of Vitamin A. And low Vitamin A in the human body contributes to blindness.

Benefit #2: Muscle Tone

If you’re looking to improve your diet and hit the gym in 2020, eggs are beneficial on both counts. And we’re not talking about the cliche crack two eggs in a glass and swig. No, scrambling a few eggs after working out can help with muscle-building because of its protein levels. In fact, one egg has six grams of protein! EatThis.com recommended tossing some vegetables in with the post-workout dish.

Benefit #3: Cholesterol

Everyone seems to have their own take on how various foods affect your cholesterol. We decided to see what the folks at WebMD.com thought about the issue, and according to them, eggs aren’t bad for cholesterol and actually contribute positively. A common misconception about cholesterol is that any increase is bad. In fact, only increases in LDL are bad. Conversely, HDH is considered “good cholesterol” and that has been shown to increase in people who eat a lot of eggs!

Benefit #4: Your Brain

Good Housekeeping knows a thing or two about food and nutrition and has an expert-backed summary of the benefits of eggs. A highlight is that eggs “boost brain health.” According to Michelle Hoeing Bauche from the University of Missouri Health Center, the choline found in eggs can help with memory, muscle control and even your mood! And if you’re looking to double up on the choline, adding other dairy products to your egg meal helps as well!

Benefit #5: Sleep

Finally, and perhaps the most unique of the list, WellandGood.com reports that eating a hard-boiled egg every night before bed could help you sleep better! The protein (sensing a trend?) helps stabilize your blood sugar and give you a better chance at uninterrupted sleep. But don’t worry, eating eggs in the morning won’t make you sleepy during the day.
