Have you ever cracked open an egg and found a rich orange yolk instead of a pale yellow yolk? Did someone once tell you “Free-Range eggs just taste better”? While it mostly depends on the diet of the hen, the color of an egg’s yolk tells a story.

What’s in an Egg’s Yolk?

Did you know an egg’s yolk contains 75% of an egg’s calories? With all that nutrition packed into just a third of the egg’s weight, it’s no wonder the egg yolk is so flavorful and rich in nutrients. All eggs contain iron and vitamin a, but an egg’s pigmentation, or xanthophylls is entirely dependent on a hen’s diet. In some parts of New Mexico, farmers have tested feeding red chili’s to their hens. Those hen’s then produced an egg yolk that was dark red! More commonly, farmers will typically feed their hens with white or yellow corn. White corn results in a paler yellow yolk, while yellow corn results in a gold yolk.


What’s so special about Farmer Boy Eggs?

To start, the hens at Farmer Boy Eggs are antibiotic, hormone and chemical-free. That means no abuse or unwanted harm done to our hens. The old saying goes, “Happy Hen, Happy Henhouse”. Our hens also have acres of open land to peck on. Local flora and bugs also become a food source for our hens. Much like eating local honey can help with allergies, eating eggs local to your region could help with allergies as well.


Free-Range vs. “Free-Range”

When we say “Free-Range” we mean it. Our hens have acres of quality soil and flora to peck at every day. The color of our yolk is a testament to how happy our hens are. The other big brand “Free-Range” eggs could potentially offer the bare minimum to their hens in terms of open-space and still be considered “Free-Range”. So make the wise choice and reach for Farmer Boy Eggs the next time you are at the store.